Sunday School
The Sunday School meets, during term time, at the Sunday 10.30am Sung Eucharist. All ages are very welcome.

The aim of the Sunday School is to educate in a fun environment.
Lots of games, quizzes, crafts and music are incorporated into the sessions to ensure that the children enjoy themselves. Our core ages are five to 11-years-old but younger children are welcome if their parent or carer stays with them.
The children leave the service during the opening hymn and return during the Peace so they can then share in the rest of the service. If your child is attending for the first time, we ask you to come out with them so you can complete a simple registration form. There is no commitment to attend every week and we encourage children to join us when they are able.
For further details, contact the Revd Canon Andy Bryant, Canon for Mission and Pastoral Care, via the button below.
At Norwich Cathedral we are committed to the nurturing, protection and safekeeping of children, young people and vulnerable adults in our care.