Photography Policy

Norwich Cathedral and its beautiful surroundings are picture perfect and we love to see visitors respectfully enjoying exploring the building with their cameras.
We also welcome requests from media and commercial photographers and production companies.
Due to the nature of a Cathedral, there are a number photographic rules that we ask to be followed and these are outlined below.
There is a picture opportunity around every corner at Norwich Cathedral and visitors are very welcome to take photographs of the Cathedral's stunning architecture. However, we do request that people refrain from using flash photography inside the building.
For reasons of safeguarding, photography or videoing of school groups or other groups of young people is not permitted in the Cathedral.
In addition to this, please do not take pictures of any other people in the Cathedral without their permission.
For safeguarding and copyright reasons, no photography, video or audio recording is allowed while services, concerts or rehearsals are taking place in the Cathedral.
The use of drones is also not permitted.
Media looking to film at the Cathedral and Close should contact Emma Knights, the Cathedral's Marketing and Communications Manager, by calling 01603 218332 or 07968 460963 or emailing
Norwich Cathedral's beautiful historic surroundings have provided the backdrop for a number of films and television programmes over the years, including Dean Spanley, Jack the Giant Slayer and Tulip Fever.
If you are interested in exploring the use of the Cathedral or Close as a filming location, please contact our Estates Manager Phil Thomas via 01603 218307 or
Due to an increasing number of student filming requests, and in order to be fair to all, we are unable to accommodate filming for student projects inside the Cathedral but we are happy to consider filming proposals for the Cloister and the wider Close subject to the content being appropriate for a Cathedral setting.
If you are interested in exploring the possibility of commercial filming or photography at Norwich Cathedral please contact our Estates Manager, who will be happy to discuss your requirements with you.
The Cathedral and Close are private property. Please note that all couples wishing to have wedding photographs taken in The Close must receive permission from the Estates Office in writing before the event.
Permission may be requested by contacting Reception, 65 The Close, Norwich, NR1 4DH or by calling 01603 218300.
As of January 2025, the fee for wedding photography in The Close is £252 inclusive of VAT, with the fee going towards the upkeep of the Cathedral's historic buildings.
Unless agreed with the Cathedral in advance, sound, video or photographic recording of services is not permitted for reasons of safeguarding and copyright.
The use of drones in or around the Cathedral or Close is strictly prohibited without prior written consent from the Dean and Chapter, Civil Aviation Certification and proof of £10m indemnity insurance.
The reasons for this are safety, security, privacy of our visitors and residents, and the risk of costly damage to the historic fabric.
In addition to this, there are nesting peregrine falcons on the spire and it is a criminal offence to disturb these protected birds.