Safeguarding at Norwich Cathedral

Our Policy Statement on Safeguarding
Our Safeguarding Team
Any safeguarding concerns should in the first instance be reported to: Where a child or adult is at imminent risk, call 999 or for: Norfolk: a child or adult call 0344 800 8020 - Social Services Suffolk: a child or adult call 0808 800 4005 - Social Services
Additional sources of help
Independent Audit
Introduction to SCIE Audit Report
Read the Dean’s introduction to the Safeguarding Audit undertaken by the Social Care Institute for Excellence and their summary.
SCIE Safeguarding Audit for Norwich Cathedral 2019
Read the full Safeguarding Audit Report undertaken by the Social Care Institute for Excellence.
SCIE Audit Response Safeguarding Action Plan May 2021
Read the Safeguarding Action Plan in response to the SCIE Safeguarding Audit Report.
Whistleblowing Policy
The Cathedral's Whistleblowing Policy can be found here.