Dinosaur Art Competition Winners
09 Oct 2020

Prehistoric fun inspired children to create some brilliant dinosaur art to decorate Norwich Cathedral’s Hostry exhibition space – and now the art competition’s winners can be revealed!
Ploddy’s Prehistoric Art Competition was part of a whole series of dinosaur-themed activities at Norwich Cathedral which were led by Ploddy, the Cathedral's resident dinosaur puppet, during the summer holidays.
Four-year-old Addison Young won the competition’s under fives category with a wonderfully enthusiastic colouring in of a picture of Ploddy in the Cathedral’s cloisters.

Six-year-old twins Isaac and Alice Thorp were joint winners of the under eights category which asked children to design their own dinosaur. Isaac created a Stripy Spottysaurus and a Rainbowsaurus, and Alice created a Spoteesaurus.

Eight-year-old Isabelle Pinto’s brilliant picture of the Cathedral with a series of prehistoric visitors won the under twelves category which challenged entrants to be as creative as possible with the theme Dinosaurs in the Cathedral.

The Dean of Norwich, the Very Revd Jane Hedges, said: “It is wonderful how Ploddy’s Prehistoric Art Competition encouraged children to be so creative.
Ploddy, the Cathedral’s dinosaur puppet, was very impressed with all the children’s entries!
We would like to say a big well done to our four winners and to all the children who submitted some brilliant artwork.”
The four winners will each receive a Diplodocus toy for their prize and have been invited to enjoy tea and cake with the Dean of Norwich.