Special Evensong commemorates 80th anniversary of D-Day
06 Jun 2024
A special Evensong took place at Norwich Cathedral to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.
The service on Thursday 6 June paid tribute to the incredible bravery of the Allied soldiers who on this decisive day in 1944 began the liberation of Europe in the Second World War.
The Dean of Norwich, the Very Revd Dr Andrew Braddock, said: “Commemorating D-Day, we give thanks for the great sacrifices that were made to liberate Europe, and in which D-Day marked a crucial turning point. We pray that we may continue to cherish our hard-won freedoms today.”
The service was sung by the Boys, Lay Clerks and Choral Scholars of Norwich Cathedral Choir and included the lighting of the Lamp Light of Peace.
Pictures by Bill Smith.