NCCL: The death of Jesus
22 Mar 2025, 10:00 - 12:30
Location: Library

The Passion - from the garden of Gethsemane to the burial - is told in four different gospels. There are four different accounts, with some overlap. What are the differences and do they matter? How much is actual history, and how much belongs to mystery? There is no simple answer to this question, but the differences are bound up with the different purposes of the gospel. The account presented here is both dramatic and critical, and each gospel is treated in parallel with the main events. A rich account emerges despite the differences.
Led by Dr Geoffrey Foote.
Cost: £10 (or £20 for three sessions booked together - see also 5 April and 10 May 2025)
To book your place contact, 01603 218443. Booking closes at 2pm on Thursday 20 March.