Canon Precentor
The Revd Canon Aidan Platten

Aidan is head of the department for Liturgy and Music, responsible for all the services that take place within the Cathedral and for devising new worship for special occasions.
He was ordained in 2003 and has served in the Dioceses of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, Gloucester, London and Norwich as curate, bishop’s chaplain and parish priest respectively. As Canon Precentor, he oversees the Liturgy and Music Department which includes the musicians, vergers, broderers, servers, Flower Guild and stewards.
Aidan serves as a member of the FAC of St Edmundsbury Cathedral and is a member of the executive committee of the Association of English Cathedrals. Aidan has written various articles and edited a book on liturgy. He is currently working on a book on pastoral liturgy.