Remembrance Day commemorations
08 Nov 2020

While the acts of worship for this year’s Remembrance Sunday were very different due to the Coronavirus pandemic, their poignant message remained unchanged: We Will Remember Them.
Norwich Cathedral paid tribute to those who lost their lives in battle with a special pre-recorded online service led by the Dean of Norwich, the Very Revd Jane Hedges, with the address by the Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Revd Graham Usher.
In addition to the online worship, the Dean was also joined by the Bishop for a short Remembrance Service which took place beside the Cathedral’s Field of Remembrance on Sunday morning, with a small congregation of invited guests that included service personnel and civic leaders.
At both services, the Dean said: “We remember with thanksgiving and sorrow those whose lives, in world wars and conflicts past and present, have been given and taken away. We commemorate this year especially those whose courage and fortitude brought an end to the war in Europe and in the Far East seventy five years ago."
At both services, the Dean said: “We remember with thanksgiving and sorrow those whose lives, in world wars and conflicts past and present, have been given and taken away. We commemorate this year especially those whose courage and fortitude brought an end to the war in Europe and in the Far East seventy five years ago."
The Field of Remembrance, which is located outside the Cathedral’s Hostry entrance, will remain in place throughout Remembrancetide and, in return for a donation, people can dedicate a cross to a lost loved one.
People who would like a loved one remembered, but who are unable to travel to the Cathedral at this time, can email their name to and a member of the Cathedral team will write the name on a cross and place it in the field.