A video message for Pentecost
16 May 2024
The Revd Canon Aidan Platten, Canon Precentor at Norwich Cathedral, shares a message ahead of Pentecost on Sunday 19 May.
Watch the video message above and read the full text below.
"This Sunday, the Easter season comes to an end with the celebration of Pentecost – the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit appears in different forms – sometimes as a peaceful dove alighting gently, as an angel like that behind me. On the Day of Pentecost the appearance of the Holy Spirit was sudden - the sound of a mighty wind with tongues of fire; imagine the roaring noise of fire being fanned by the wind. Those gathered were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in languages other than their own.
"The story lists lots of languages, so we know they were diverse in their background. Crucially each heard their own language being spoken. Some thought the people were drunk, but Peter says, no they’re not drunk – and tells them what the prophet Joel had said. The Spirit would enable sons and daughters to prophecy, young people will see visions, old will dream dreams.
"The picture is of diversity held together in the unity of the spirit – a picture of people understanding one another – rejoicing that they are one – they are not frightened of their differences, because the Spirit gave them the ability to understand one another.
"It is still possible to understand each other across differences of colour, heritage, background and faith. Basic human needs are food, clothing, shelter, love and care – things that some only dream of. The Holy Spirit shows us these needs in neighbours day by day, if we listen and look, we can understand and respond."