Soaring spires, spectacular vaulted ceilings, a rich spiritual and historical heritage, England’s 42 cathedrals are wonders of architecture and sanctuaries of peace.
A cathedral is the most important church in a Diocese. It is sometimes called the ‘mother church’ and the Bishop who leads the Diocese has his or her seat there. This seat is called a cathedra, which is where the word ‘cathedral’ comes from. The day to day running of the Cathedral is overseen by the Dean and Chapter, the governing body which included both clergy and lay people.
Once at the heart of a Benedictine monastery, Norwich Cathedral has offered daily worship for more than 900 years. Today, the Cathedral is the home of a vibrant Christian community, cherishing its Benedictine foundation and seeking to express the principles laid down by St Benedict.
Daily worship is at the heart of everything that happens in the Cathedral. Every day begins with saying Morning Prayer and the celebration of the Eucharist, and every day ends with the singing of Evensong. All who wish to attend are very welcome at these services.

Norwich Cathedral is the mother church of the Diocese of Norwich which is led by the Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Revd Graham Usher, and covers the areas of Norfolk and Waveney.
The Bishop has his seat, known as a Cathedra, at Norwich Cathedral.

Norwich Cathedral is also a place of learning, centred on a fine historic and contemporary library which is also the home of the Norwich Centre for Christian Learning.
The Cathedral seeks to offer warm hospitality to all who come through its doors, welcoming visitors from across the world, inviting them to discover its history, enjoy its peace or offer a prayer.

For more than 900 years, the spire of Norwich Cathedral has risen high above our fine city’s skyline. Click on the button below to explore some snapshots of the people, events and stories that are part of the Cathedral’s 900 years of history.