Seeing It Differently


A unique ride encouraging new perspectives

Norwich Cathedral’s helter skelter-shaped Seeing It Differently project captured the imagination of thousands and hit headlines all over the world.

The project – which saw a helter skelter slide installed in the Nave for 11 days in August 2019 - aimed to offer new perspectives on the Cathedral and open up conversations about faith.

Celebrating our medieval roof bosses

In particular, the helter skelter ride was designed to enable people to get closer than ever before to the Cathedral’s medieval roof bosses which tell stories from the Bible and are the largest collection of their kind in the world.


Enjoyed by thousands

About 10,000 people enjoyed this unique ride, with many more enjoying the wider Seeing It Differently project that included the chance to lie down and look up at the Cathedral’s incredible ceiling, take part in a trust trail, and sit inside a Bible box and be completely surrounded by the word of God.


A space for both human and God encounters

Reflecting on the project on the final day, the Revd Canon Andy Bryant said: “Many will want to focus on the sheer numbers we have been able to welcome into the Cathedral and the relaxed happy and joyous atmosphere in the Cathedral. However, the things I will most carry away from this time are the individual conversations, people sharing stories of connecting with the Cathedral, enjoying seeing the building from a new perspective, finding a welcome distraction at a difficult time in their lives, asking questions about faith and gaining new encouragement in their relationship with God. This is what this event has always been about; providing time and space for both human and God encounters.”
