Roof Bosses

What are Roof Bosses?
Hundreds of medieval roof bosses decorate the lofty heights of Norwich Cathedral and its Cloister, and this treasure trove of centuries-old carvings is the biggest collection of its kind in the whole world.
Stories carved in stone
The most impressive roof bosses can be found in the Nave, where they tell the stories of the Bible’s New and Old Testaments from Creation to the Last Judgement, meanwhile there are many more in the Cloister, where the famous Green Man bosses can be seen.

1 / 14 The Creation

2 / 14 Noah

Seeing It Differently
In 2019, the roof bosses hit the headlines around the world as they were the inspiration for the Seeing It Differently project which saw a helter skelter temporarily installed in the Nave. The project’s aim was to give people the chance to get closer than ever before to the roof bosses and to see things from different viewpoints.